What to do when you are told that your child has Lymphoma.

  • Pray to God Jehova Rapha.
  • Find support from your closest friend or relative whom you well trust as a shoulder to lean on. (Don’t die with all emotional pain while God has help for you all around you).
  • Normally the feeling of overwhelming and sadness can overcome you so it is better to prepare. It is always good to think about what you would like to ask your child’s medical care personnel beforehand. It can be helpful to write questions down to take with you when you go.
  • It is not easy but always try to have an open mind when discussing your child’s medical / health situation. If you don’t understand information you are receiving from them, let them know and ask as many questions as you can. There are never false or silly questions when you want to understand the medical situation that you or your loved ones are in. Try to understand, if not well understood by you, ask for more explanations.
  • It can be difficult to remember everything in one sitting. It will be of great benefit if you write down all your questions as they exist so that you can ask during your child’s next Doctor’s visit.
  • We all need moral support during this difficult moment in our lives. You will need someone with you in these meetings more than your sick child. This can help you cope and also she/he can help remember some of the things for you. His/ her presence gives you encouragement that you very much need at this moment in your life. Depending on your child’s age , this can also be good for him/her to see.

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